Davenant’s Big Move – A Letter from the President
A long-term base for Davenant’s work from Summer 2021
Who Needs Philosophy for Theology? Davenant Hall Course Preview
Why study philosophy if your interests are in theology?
The Jewish Background of the New Testament (Davenant Hall Course Preview)
Why study the Jewish context of the New Testament in Summer 2021?
Recovering US Church History (Davenant Hall Course Preview)
Why study US church history in Summer 2021?
Building for Wisdom in the Wake of a Pandemic: Spring 2021 Fundraising
Help us match a $32,000 pledge to build for wisdom
The Heidelberg Catechism: Still The Church’s Book of Comfort (Davenant Hall Course Preview)
What is the Heidelberg Catechism, and why should you study it?
What Is Modernity and Why Should I Care? Davenant Hall Course Preview
What is modernity and why should Christians study it?
Augustine – The Greatest Theologian? Davenant Hall Course Preview
Why study the major works of St. Augustine?
The Power of Biography
Why do biographies have such power for us? Our 2021 Carolinas Regional Convivium will explore this question.