Announcing Our New Executive Director

The Davenant Institute is excited to announce that, after an extensive search process, Wyatt Graham has been appointed as our new Executive Director.

Wyatt is already well known to many within the Davenant community, having served as a member of our board of directors. Most recently, he has worked as Executive Director of The Gospel Coalition Canada. He holds an MDiv and ThM in Old Testament from the Master’s Seminary, as well as a ThM in Church History/Patristics from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also gained his Ph.D in Biblical Theology from SBTS, where his dissertation focused on the Psalms. He brings with him a wealth of academic expertise in numerous disciplines, as well as experience of executive non-profit leadership, making him the ideal leader to take our organization forward into the future.

Wyatt takes up this new role with a deep commitment to the Davenant Institute’s mission to retrieve the riches of classical Protestantism to renew and resource the contemporary church:

With thankfulness and gratitude, I eagerly look forward to serving as the next Executive Director of The Davenant Institute. May God be glorified in and through this institute in the coming years and decades. 

The Chair of the Davenant Institute’s board of directors, C. Scott Pryor, adds his welcome:

With gratitude to God, Davenant’s board looks forward to Wyatt’s leadership. Wyatt’s exceptional academic background, years of executive experience, dedication to Davenant’s mission, and deep Christian commitment give us great confidence that Davenant’s service to the Protestant Christian community will expand and prosper in the years to come.

With a bright future and many important projects currently in the works, we at the Davenant Institute would covet the prayers and ongoing partnership of all our supporters as we enter into this exciting new phase of our organization’s history.