
Our Mission

The Davenant Institute retrieves the riches of classical Protestantism

to renew and build up the contemporary Church.

Our Story

Founded in 2013, Davenant grew out of a group of friends eager to see a renewal of scholarship and intellectual life in contemporary Protestantism at the institutional level. Tired of division between confessionalism and evangelicalism, we were eager to see fresh engagement with our theological heritage pursued in aid of the church.

We held our first Convivium in 2013, published our first book in 2014, purchased a residential study center in 2016, and launched two degree programs in 2020.

Our Vision

In an age when the church has become progressively unmoored from its roots and unable to speak with conviction, the Davenant Institute is committed to re-integrating past and present and re-integrating Word and world.

  • We return to the sources, mining the legacy of a mere confessional Protestantism and creatively applying it to the needs and questions of our own age.
  • We re-imagine theological education, refounding the medieval university for the digital frontier, and translating the faith from the scholar’s study to the churches and the streets.
  • We reforge the bonds of friendship that lie at the foundation of all sustainable reforming work, building a community of like-minded men and women equipped with the fearlessness of wisdom.

Our Doctrinal Commitments

Davenant is committed to the system of doctrine contained in the Reformed Protestant family of confessions, represented chiefly by the Augsburg Confession, the Thirty-Nine Articles, the Second Helvetic Confession, the Three Forms of Unity, the Westminster Confession, and the London Baptist Confession, and shall seek in all its activities to avoid supporting programs or projects that would tend to undermine these doctrinal commitments. 

What we do

Our vision is carried out principally in five main areas of our work: we retrieve classic sources through Davenant Press and our quarterly journal Ad Fontes, re-imagine theological education at our graduate college, Davenant Hall, and build an army of friends through residential programs at Davenant House and in-person events around North America and Europe.

Davenant Hall is reimagining theological education for the digital age. We provide expert, affordable online classes in theology, church history, and more.

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Davenant Press resources the Church by publishing new works, essay collections, translations, and modernizations of historic Christian texts.

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Ad Fontes is our journal of Protestant letters, publishing premium print editions quarterly, and daily online content.

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We host in-person events all around the country, as well as at our residential study center, to help build our army of friends. Find an event near you.

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As a writer and as former church staff, I have found their books and articles invaluable. At in-person events, thoughtful Christians exchange ideas, clarify their own thought, and go deeper in their theological understanding.

-Robin Harris, Writer and editor
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