
  • Introduction to Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses


    Introduction to Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses

    This article appeared in Ad Fontes Vol II, Issue 2. Excerpted from Davenant’s forthcoming Reformation Theology volume. Few documents in Christian history have become as iconic as Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, the ringing denunciation of the corruptions of the late medieval church that was to spark the Protestant Reformation. Luther may or may not have…


  • WATCH: Getting Beyond Headship Battles: Male and Female in Scripture


    WATCH: Getting Beyond Headship Battles: Male and Female in Scripture

    In this episode, Brad Belschner and Alastair Roberts discuss headship and submission in order to clear misconceptions concerning gender relations that are common even within Christian circles. While it may seem that Genesis presents man as the center of creation and woman as simply his sidekick or personal assistant, Alastair points out that man’s authority…


  • The Gospel Expressed: Luther’s Teaching on Alien Righteousness as Divine Gift


    The Gospel Expressed: Luther’s Teaching on Alien Righteousness as Divine Gift

    When exactly the levee is going to break is not easy to know, but when it does we all know. October 31, 1517 is the day the levee broke in the church of the West. It is not likely that Luther was aware he was laying his ax to the root. But that is what…


  • Interview with Davenant Fellow Alex Mason


    Interview with Davenant Fellow Alex Mason

    Alex Mason is a native of Lynchburg, Virginia. After completing an undergraduate degree ingovernment from Liberty University, Alex went on to complete graduate degrees in public policy, church history, ethics, and theology from Liberty University, Southeastern Seminary, and Southern Seminary. Currently, he lives in Scotland where he is a PhD candidate in Divinity (Theological Ethics) at…


  • “Such a Candle as Will Never Be Put Out”: The Martyrdom of Bishops Ridley and Latimer


    “Such a Candle as Will Never Be Put Out”: The Martyrdom of Bishops Ridley and Latimer

    This post is an excerpt from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (Ed. Forbush) Bishop Ridley and Bishop Latimer These reverend prelates suffered October 16, 1555, at Oxford, on the same day Wolsey and Pygot perished at Ely. Pillars of the Church and accomplished ornaments of human nature, they were the admiration of the realm, amiably conspicuous…


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    The Soul of Christian Education

    This post is based on Colin’s talk at Saint Mary’s College, delivered on the 75th anniversary of the Collegiate Seminar department.   I’ll never forget the first time I heard anyone use the term “big data.” I was at a faculty retreat with my department, Collegiate Seminar at Saint Mary’s College, and I had no…


  • October 11 – Zwingli: The Warrior of the Reformation


    October 11 – Zwingli: The Warrior of the Reformation

    At the same time as Luther was stirring the pot in Germany, another young man was coming to very similar conclusions independently! His name was Ulrich Zwingli, and he was an avid reader of Erasmus. Reading Erasmus convinced him that he was not to look to the Virgin Mary or the saints for salvation, but…


  • WATCH: What is Masculinity?


    WATCH: What is Masculinity?

    In this video, Dr. Alastair Roberts reflects with Brad Belschner on how misguided many modern Christian approaches to masculinity are, urging us to put on or perform manliness in a way that encourages stereotypes. Rather, we discover what it means to be manly (or womanly) in the course of fulfilling the duties God has called…


  • WATCH: The Challenges of Gender in the 21st Century


    WATCH: The Challenges of Gender in the 21st Century

    Progressives today are determined to reconstruct the concept of gender wholly on individual preferences. Conservatives, meanwhile, struggle mightily for models by which to meaningfully live out gender roles that were second nature to most of their ancestors. How have changes in technology and society conspired to make something as basic as gender such an enigma…


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    PHILOSOPHY AND THE CHRISTIAN AN INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME 2 OF AD FONTES Tertullian famously asked, “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” e relationship between faith and reason, between the Holy Scriptures and natural revelation, and between Christian doctrine and non-Christian philosophy, has been the subject of immense debate within the Christian tradition. Unfortunately, the…



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