On The Trinity:
Retrieving Classical Theism
Fred sanders
First California Regional Convivium Irenicum
September 22–23, 2023
Providence Christian College
464 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101
Friday 4:00PM – Saturday 4:30PM

How do we respond to the recent growing suspicion of classical theism? Recent decades have seen a push to emphasize God’s immanence at the expense of his transcendence, to emphasize his likeness to us at the cost of his otherness. Other doctrines suffer as well: God’s impassibility, timelessness, and simplicity are increasingly seen as uncompassionate, or even unbiblical.
But is there still value in the historical expressions of these doctrines? Or must we let go of classical theism as an oddity of the past? Join us at our first Davenant California Regional Convivium to discuss these things, as we work to retrieve classical theism as a biblically sound and historically attested expression of theological truths, as well as address current debates facing the church.
Call for papers
On The Trinity:
Retrieving Classical Theism
Davenant invites you to submit paper proposals in theology or philosophy in preparation for a 30-minute presentation followed by 30-minute discussion. Submissions on the Trinity, pneumatology, Christology, and doctrine of God will receive prioritized consideration, but we also welcome creative proposals in other areas. Since Convivia aim to translate the riches of Christian doctrine to local churches, presentations should seek to be accessible and as jargon-free as possible, without sacrificing intellectual rigor. The following are some broad example topics:
- How is the filioque clause being debated today, and why does it matter?
- What does Christ’s humbling or emptying of himself reveal about his divine nature?
- Why is a proper understanding of trinitarian doctrines important for lay people?
- How are historic trinitarian doctrines compromised today?
- What are the contributions to trinitarian theology of a certain historic theologian?
- What is the difference in the Holy Spirit’s relationship with believers from the OT to NT?
To submit your proposal, please email your abstract of 200–300 words to Tim Jacobs, Assistant Provost (t.jacobs@davenantinstitute.org) by July 31, 2023.
Village Courtyard
Main Sanctuary
7:00 PM
Plenary 1: Keynote, Q&A
Fred Sanders
8:30 Pm
Evening Prayer
Main Sanctuary
9:00 Pm
Evening Hangout
Admissions Lounge
Village Courtyard
Morning Prayer
Main Sanctuary
9:00 aM
Parallel Session 1
11:00 am
Everyone on own
1:00 pm
Parallel Session 2
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
Plenary 2: Keynote, Q&A
by Fred Sanders
4:30 pm
Closing Remarks
Main Sanctuary
Our SpeakerS

Dr. Fred Sanders
We are pleased to welcome as our keynote speaker Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology at Biola University. He will be speaking on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and other matters in Trinitarian theology in anticipation of the release of his upcoming book The Holy Spirit: An Introduction.
PLease JOin Us!
Registration is available at the event.
In addition to our keynote speaker, the Fall 2023 California Regional Convivium Irenicum schedule will include the presentation of papers, Q&A, and worship, as well as meals on site.