Make an End-of-Year Gift
WIll You Support Our Work Into 2024?
Wherever we turn today in our society, we’re likely to see a crisis of leadership. In business, education, and politics, risk management consultants encourage leaders to hide behind vacuous slogans and avoid offending anyone. In our churches and Christian ministries, pastors trim their sails to the winds of cultural change or else huddle together for safety in ideological echo chambers.
It is easy to chide our leaders for a lack of courage and conviction, their inability to take risks or take the long view. But we are wrong to think that courage is found only in an isolated individual steeling his nerves to stand against the world. No, courage—like every virtue—is best formed in community.
At the Davenant Institute, we have been engaged for ten years now in forming the next generation of Christian leaders. A band of faithful and fearless men and women has grown up around our work this past decade. They have started classical schools and Christian study centers, launched magazines and publishing ventures, helmed Christian colleges and seminaries, led police forces and trade unions, and shaped the discourse of theology, ethics, and philosophy at the highest levels.
As we look forward to our second decade of forming an army of friends called to Christian leadership, we ask again for you to join us in this great and urgent task. Will you support our ongoing work into 2024?
Your year-end gift is essential to helping us achieve our mission of renewing Christian wisdom for the contemporary church.

“The Davenant Institute is one of the most promising and creative forces currently at work in the midst of the perplexing disarray of theological education. Davenant has logged an impressive decade of achievement: resourcing the churches, unlocking the treasures of otherwise inaccessible old texts, providing venues for productive conversation, enabling surprising alliances across traditional boundaries, scouting theological talent, and above all forging connections, all in pursuit of a Protestant wisdom that runs so deep that most contemporary Protestants have more or less forgotten it exists at all. May the Institute’s army of friends increase.”
Fred Sanders
Professor, Torrey honors college, biola university
Help Us Meet Our Goal
We hope to raise $240,000 by December 31st 2023.
Will you help us reach our goal, as we embark on our second decade of ministry?
Donor Perks
All donors are eligible for a wide range of perks if giving more than $250 per year.
You are a crucial part of the renewal of Christian wisdom.
Your donations are what make our work of retrieval and renewal possible.
At the $500 level, you help us produce a monthly Fellows Lectures webinar that communicates the wisdom of the past to modern, eager minds.
At the $1,000 level, you give an international student the opportunity to attend our two-week intensive summer program at Davenant House.
And at the $2,500 level, you fully equip The Davenant Institute to host a Regional Convivium Irenicum mini-conference and retrieve the wisdom of the Protestant heritage across the country or to offer a new online course at Davenant Hall.
But no matter the size of your generous gift, we appreciate and cherish all. Even a donation of $100 allows us to gift two individuals with free subscriptions to Ad Fontes for an entire year!
Not able to afford a substantial one-time gift? Consider becoming a monthly supporter. Many of our donors support Davenant by building us into their monthly budget at the rate of $10, $20, or $50/mo. You can select a monthly giving option at our giving page.
The Davenant Institute is a registered 501(c)3 organization.
All your gifts are tax-deductible.

GIving by check
If you would like to make a donation by check, please send checks to:
The Davenant Institute
PO Box 358
Landrum, SC 29356
Thank you for your support!