
Supporting the

Davenant Institute

As a non-profit organization, we are dependent upon the generosity of our donors. Through the tremendous dedication of our army of friends, we have been able to multiply the impacts of your gifts many times over.

But the needs are urgent and the opportunities are great; we are excited to grow our work to sustain and renew the church’s faithful witness in a challenging world.

If you support our mission, or have benefited from our work, then consider supporting us today—either with a one-time donation, or by becoming a monthly donor.

Donor Perks

All donors are eligible for a wide range of perks if giving more than $250 per year.


  • Access to our Davenant Common Room Discord server—a vibrant hub of community discussion


  • Partner-level perks
  • Complimentary print+digital subscription to Ad Fontes


  • Friends-level perks
  • Complimentary copies of all newly published Davenant Press books
  • Complimentary audit of one Davenant Hall class per year


  • Patrons-level perks
  • Free registration and stay at Davenant’s Annual Conference with the opportunity to spend time with the Executive Director.

Why partner with us?

Since its inception in 2013, Davenant has achieved an extraordinary amount on an extraordinarily small budget. Aided by dedicated volunteers, and strengthened by bonds of enduring friendship, we’ve created a publishing house, a quarterly journal, a residential study center, a graduate college, and a growing network of scholars, pastors, and leaders across North America and the world.

As we continue to expand this crucial work, we rely more and more on the support of donors like you. But we retain our commitment to multiply the impact of your gifts by keeping operating costs low and funneling resources directly to the front-line teachers and writers who are making a transformational difference in their churches, schools, and communities. If you’d like to be a part of this unique and timely project, consider partnering with us today.

GIving by check

If you would like to make a donation by check, please send checks to:

The Davenant Institute

PO Box 358

Landrum, SC 29356

Thank you for your support!

Get In touch

Have questions about our resources or programs? Fill out this contact form or email us at the address below.