Jurisdiction Regal, Episcopal, Papal
By George Carleton and Edited by Andre Gazal
About this book
What is the role of the crown in the wake of the gunpowder plot?
In November 1605, English Roman Catholics came within hours of killing the King. The famed Gunpowder Plot was a watershed moment in the conflict between England’s Protestant monarchs and their Roman Catholic subjects, stretching back to Henry VIII’s break with Rome in 1533.
The event triggered several years of fevered writing by Protestants and Catholics alike regarding the jurisdictions of the crown, the Church, and the Pope. Eloquent works were published on both sides by the likes of the Catholic Cardinal Bellarmine, and even the King himself. In 1610, George Carleton (1559 – 1628) made a decisive Protestant contribution by publishing Jurisdiction Regal, Episcopal, Papal. A delegate at the Synod of Dort, and later Bishop of Llandaff, he first outlines the biblical and theological basis for a Protestant view of church and state. Then, he exhaustively surveys church history to expose how Rome gradually robbed kings and churches of their rightful power, theologically justifying itself after-the-fact.
This new edition presents the original text with a new scholarly introduction and extensive footnotes, and the time is ripe for its publication. With debates about the relationship of church and state resurfacing in a post-liberal and post-pandemic era, it is vital that Protestants and Catholics alike return again to the sources of our understanding of the body politic.
Paperback | 391 pages | 6×9 | Published September 28, 2021 | ISBN 978-1949716078
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From The Book
“THE LAWFUL authority and jurisdiction of kings in matters ecclesiastical is now and hath been for some ages heretofore much impugned by such who, by usurpation, having encroached upon the right of kings, seek by all subtle and colorable devices, to maintain that by skill and some show of learning which they have gotten by fraud.
All this mischief proceedeth from the Bishop of Rome who, usurping power and taking to himself that honor whereunto God hath not called him, hath brought all authority ecclesiastical and civil into great confusion by usurping the right both of the Church and of states. Now our desire being to open the truth and to declare the lawful right of princes and power of the Church, it seemeth needful first to set down what power is given to the Pope by them that flatter him so shall the right of the King and of the Church better appear.”
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Introduction – Andre Gazal
The Epistle Dedicatory
An Admonition to the Reader
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
About the Editor
Andre Gazal (Ph.D, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Vice President of Academic Affairs at Montana Bible College, and has also served as the assistant project editor for the Reformation Commentary on Scripture. A specialist in the English Reformation, Andre is the author of Scripture and Royal Supremacy in Tudor England: The Use of Old Testament Historical Narrative (Edwin Mellen Press, 2013) and editor of Defending the Faith: John Jewel and the Elizabethan Church (PSU Press, 2018). Among much else, he has published numerous articles and essays on the theology of the English Reformers. He lives in Montana with his wife, Agata, and son, George.