Literature and Theology
Reason and Imagination:
Literature as a Vehicle for the True, Good & Beautiful
March 15-16th, 2024
Davenant House
419 Glenolden Dr. Landrum, SC 29356
5:30PM, Mar. 15th to 4:30PM, Mar. 16th
The Davenant Institute invites you to our spring rendition of our now bi-annual Carolinas Regional Convivium Irenicum! This gathering at Davenant House centers on using literature for encouraging the growth of classical Protestantism and retrieval of wisdom for the church. Please join us for a Friday night and Saturday of fellowship, friendship, and conversation renewing Christian wisdom for the church.
See details below about our Keynote Speaker and the line up of presentations.

Reason and Imagination: Literature as a Vehicle for the True, Good & Beautiful
A core motivation for The Davenant Institute is to bring the strengthening goods of Christian wisdom to as many as possible through a variety of vehicles. Some of those vehicles for Christian wisdom at The Davenant Institute are theology, philosophy, political theory and other vital areas of classical Protestant thought.
Literature has also been essential to the learning and practice of classical Protestant thought. In a word, literature is a key vehicle for bringing wisdom to hearts and minds.
The theme for the 2024 Carolinas Regional Convivium is “Reason and Imagination: Literature as a Vehicle for Truth, Goodness and Beauty.”
C. S. Lewis observed “…reason is the natural organ of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning. Imagination, producing new metaphors or revivifying old, is not the cause of truth, but its condition.”
In contrast to our post-Enlightenment world, Christians affirm that Reason and faith are not in conflict; rather, they have a convivial interplay in pursuit of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. And yet, in a sentimental and utopic age, Christians are more aware than their neighbors of the dangers of imagination untethered from Reason in tearing man away from God’s good design for reality.
At the Davenant Institute’s 2024 Spring Carolinas Regional Convivium, we will explore ways in which both Reason and imagination work in concert for pursuing the telos of Christian wisdom: Christ himself. He is the ultimate telos of wisdom–so how can literature’s use of reason and imagination aid us in all areas of life under his leading?
4:30-5:30 Pm:
Arrival and check-in
5:30-7:00 Pm:
Dinner is served
6:45-8:30 Pm:
Welcome and Paper Session 1
8:30 Pm:
Evening prayer, followed by fellowship
7:45 Am:
8:30 Am:
Morning prayer
9:00 Am-12:00 PM:
Morning paper presentations
11:45 AM-1:00 Pm:
1:00-4:00 Pm:
Afternoon paper presentations
4:30 PM:
Friday night (includes dinner)
Saturday (includes lunch)
Friday-Saturday (includes dinner, breakfast, lunch, and lodging)
Friday-Saturday Student Discount (includes dinner, breakfast, lunch,
and lodging)
Keynote Speaker

Rev. Andrew Lazo
Andrew Lazo (M.Div., Virginia Theological Seminary; Masters in Modern British Literature, Rice ) is an internationally-known speaker and writer specializing in C.S. Lewis and the Inklings. He is a frequent speaker around the U.S. and U.K. and has written several articles on C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. In 2009, Andrew published Mere Christians: Inspiring Encounters with C.S. Lewis. In 2014 he also was honored to transcribe, edit, and publish a previously unknown book by C.S. Lewis, “Early Prose Joy,” which was Lewis’s very first spiritual autobiography. For ten years he taught English and C. S. Lewis at St. Thomas and Houston Christian High Schools.
For more than fifteen years, Andrew has been working on a long-awaited study of Till We Have Faces, making groundbreaking discoveries all along the way. The results of his ongoing research have led him to give talks to the Mythopoeic Society in 2016 as Scholar Guest of Honor; in the summer of 2017, Andrew served as a plenary speaker at the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s 2017 Summer Institute in Oxford and Cambridge.
The Call for Papers is Now Closed
PLease JOin Us!
Registration for
the Regional Convivium is closed.
In order to keep costs at a reasonable rate and to encourage the atmosphere of fellowship for which our Convivia are most fondly remembered we ask for your help with meal preparation and clean-up. A sign-up sheet will be passed around at the event. The information packet (to be sent nearer the event) will include a detailed schedule, directions to Davenant House, etc.
In addition to our keynote speaker, the Spring 2024 Carolinas Regional Convivium Irenicum schedule will include the presentation of papers, Q&A, and worship, as well as meals on site.