Ph.D Partnership with Union Theological College

The Davenant Institute and Union Theological College are pleased to announce a new collaboration between the two institutions. Students in Davenant Hall’s M.Litt. degree program will now have the opportunity to continue their studies at the Ph.D level at one of the UK’s finest theological colleges, while still being supervised by Davenant Hall faculty. To facilitate this, five of Davenant Hall’s leading instructors –Dr. Matthew Hoskin, Dr. Joseph Minich, Dr. Bradford Littlejohn, Dr. Michael Lynch, and Dr. Alastair Roberts–will join the faculty of Union Theological College to supervise Ph.D research within their fields of expertise.

Davenant Institute President Dr. Brad Littlejohn says,

As the Davenant Institute and our growing network of respected scholars continue to expand our work of re-imagining theological education and retrieving the riches of classical Protestantism, Ph.D supervision is a logical next step. Union Theological College is one of the United Kingdom’s preeminent institutions of theological education, and we are proud to partner with them in this important work of equipping the next generation of Protestant intellectual leaders. This partnership will establish Davenant Hall as a first-rate graduate college of theology and philosophy and afford us opportunities to help oversee groundbreaking research in biblical studies, philosophical theology, and the history of Christian thought.

Any students around the world who want to pursue advanced research in biblical studies, historical theology, philosophical theology, and more with Davenant Hall’s respected scholars will now have the opportunity to do so by applying for Ph.D study at Union Theological College. Eligible students will show evidence of sufficient academic preparation, as well as being recommended by the Davenant Hall faculty.

Dr. Michael McClenahan, Vice Principal & Professor of Systematic Theology at UTC likewise praises this new collaboration,

Union Theological College (Belfast, Northern Ireland) is delighted to work with the Davenant Institute in this new doctoral collaboration. Union and Davenant share similar theological visions and both want to produce serious Christian theology in the Reformed tradition that will serve to strengthen and renew the Church.

Davenant Hall launched in 2019 as an answer to the demand for a classically Protestant education in which students develop a firm grasp of God’s Word and his world, working through classic texts alongside expert guides. In its short years in operation, Davenant Hall has seen significant growth, confirming the immense demand for such a rigorous and historically grounded education in classical Protestantism.

For the last 170 years, Union Theological College has provided top-tier theological education for those entering ordained ministry as well for lay-people. Union has built on the foundation of their rich Presbyterian history, all while preparing students for ministry and academics in the modern world.

Vice President Colin Redemer says of this new endeavor:

Davenant Hall students will now be able to complete their PhDs via the Royal Charter of Union Theological College. Union is one of those rare institutions that combines a deep, living history with a vibrant, orthodox faith. Their motto “to buy the truth and sell it not” is a trustworthy saying. Jesus is that truth, that pearl of great price. Any college which teaches that truth unflinchingly is an ideal partner. Union Theological College will be Davenant Hall’s first accredited academic partner in a degree-granting venture. This new partnership confirms the significant work Davenant is doing to refound the medieval University for the digital frontier. Our partnership will enable us, together, to keep the secret fire burning in both the minds and the hearts of students for generations to come.

The Davenant Institute and Union Theological College both anticipate that their working together will yield fruitful cross-pollination between the two institutions, and will encourage the next generation of passionate Protestant intellectuals to get the support and credentials they need to revive the contemporary church.

If you have questions about this partnership or would like to apply, please contact Colin Redemer at To find out more about the programs and degrees available at Davenant Hall, please visit our website.

Supervising Faculty

Dr. Bradford Littlejohn (Ph.D., University of Edinburgh) is the Founder and President of the Davenant Institute. He also works as a Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and has taught for several institutions, including Moody Bible Institute-Spokane, Bethlehem College and Seminary, and Patrick Henry College. He is recognized as a leading scholar of the English theologian Richard Hooker and has published and lectured extensively in the fields of Reformation history, Christian ethics, and political theology. He lives in Landrum, SC with his wife, Rachel, and four children.

Dr Matthew Hoskin (PhD, University of Edinburgh) teaches ancient and medieval Christian history for Davenant Hall. His research focuses on manuscripts, monks, popes, canon law, and councils, which all feature in his book The Manuscripts of Leo the Great’s Letters (2022), and he blogs about the historic faith at Classically Christian. He lives on Superior’s northern shore in Thunder Bay, Ontario, with his wife and sons.

Dr. Alastair Roberts is a Teaching Fellow of The Theopolis Institute and lecturer for Davenant Hall, a leading evangelical blogger and writer, and one of the hosts of the Mere Fidelity podcast. His personal podcast is Alastair’s Adversaria, where, alongside topical interviews, he currently produces daily reflections upon the whole Bible. He is the author of Echoes of Exodus: Tracing Themes of Redemption Through Scripture (2018). He is married to Susannah, and they divide their time between the UK and the US.

Dr. Michael Lynch (Ph.D, Calvin Seminary) teaches Ancient Language and Humanities at Delaware Valley Classical School in New Castle, DE. He is the author of John Davenant’s Hypothetical Universalism: A Defense of Catholic and Reformed Orthodoxy. He and his wife have five children, three girls and two boys.

Dr. Joseph Minich is a Teaching Fellow with The Davenant Institute and Editor-in-Chief of The Davenant Press. The founding editor of Ad Fontes, he is also the author of Enduring Divine Absence and a current co-host of the Pilgrim Faith podcast. His public writing can be found at The Calvinist International, Mere Orthodoxy, Modern Reformation, and the Ad Fontes blog. He lives in Garland, Texas, with his wife and four children.