Davenant House Program Aims: Ethics and the Challenge of Modernity

In this video, Brad Littlejohn, Peter Escalante, and Jonathan Tomes discuss another aim of the Davenant House summer program, ethics and the challenges posed by modernity. The discussion ranges from why ethics are not as straightforward and simple as many evangelicals might think to how being able to read one’s historical moment well impacts how one thinks about ethics.

Other Videos:

  1. The Mission of Christian Study Centers
  2. Wisdom and Worldview
  3. L’Abri and Davenant House
  4. Program Aims: Faith and Science
  5. Program Aims: Ethics and the Challenge of Modernity
  6. Program Aims: Bible and Core Dogmatics
  7. Program Aims: Politics and the Faithful Presence Principle
  8. The Role of the Tomeses at Davenant House
  9. The Location of Davenant House