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    What Does it Mean to be a Christian Citizen?

      On Oct. 22 2016, Davenant President Dr. Bradford Littlejohn spoke at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Richmond, VA on “What Does it Mean to be a Christian Citizen?” The lecture focused on questions such as “Should I be focused on building the church or reforming the state, or both? How should and shouldn’t the…


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    VIDEO: Should We Vote For “The Lesser of two Evils”?

    Every election, Christians wring their hands over the two profoundly unsatisfactory candidates that our political system presents us with, and debate whether it’s appropriate to vote for the lesser of two evils, and which one that is? In this video, we discuss some commonsensical principles of classic moral reasoning to help us gain clarity on…


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    Renewing the Christian Mind

    Davenant House is growing into a home for a renewal of Christian wisdom. For all the good that has come of “Christian worldview” discipleship in recent decades, too often it has relied on polemic generalizations, caricatures, and easy answers. Wisdom, on the other hand, is possession of the principles of reality in the mind, illuminated…


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    Jerome Zanchi (1516-1590): A Life in Exile – Part 1

    Part One: From Italy to Exile (Part Two is in our November issue. You can also read it online. -Ed.) If you listen carefully, you can already hear Protestant pastors and Reformation scholars girding up in preparation for the five hundredth anniversary of Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (1517). They’ll treat us to lectures, conferences, books, and…


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    VIDEO: Davenant Discussions: Essentials

    In this video, we explore the fourth pillar of Davenant’s vision: essentials. What are the real “essentials” of the Christian faith? What really represents Christianity, and where is there room for disagreement? Follow us on YouTube and see other Davenant Discussions!  Video Questions 0:29: When we’re reasoning about the world, engaging in the public square, and so…


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    Common Places: Steven Wedgeworth on the Reformation

    Pastor Steven Wedgeworth discusses the legacy of the Reformation through a number of different lenses including ways to celebrate the Reformation faithfully, his appreciation of Protestant history and ways to grow Reformational churches today. 1:30 Should the Reformation be celebrated or lamented? 5:00 What theological freedoms have been gained because of the Reformation? 7:00 How…


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    VIDEO: Davenant Discussions: What was Wrong with the Religious Right?

    In this video, we explore the third pillar of Davenant’s vision. What was wrong with the Religious Right? What was right with the Religious Right? What principles do Christians need to grasp for effective and faithful public engagement? Follow us on YouTube and see other Davenant Discussions! Video Questions 0:36 Many western societies are post-Christian. Political,…


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    Common Places: Eric Hutchinson on Niels Hemmingsen

    Dr. Eric Hutchinson of Hillsdale College describes his journey into the field of classics and discusses the thought of 16th Century Danish Reformer Niels Hemmingsen.


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    The Origins of Politics According to Althusius

        This is one of the articles in the second issue of our journal Ad Fontes. Where did society come from? How did politics come about? Why do people live together? Perhaps these aren’t questions that you’ve ever asked before. But political thinkers from Plato through to Rawls have tackled questions about the social nature…


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    This Week in Church History: Latimer and Ridley Burned (1555)

    October 16 marks the anniversary of the martyrdom of Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley by Queen Mary of England. Together with the Archbishop of Canterbury and author of the Book of Common Prayer, Thomas Cranmer, these three men make up the Oxford Martyrs. All three died by burning in Oxford, thus the term “Oxford Martyr,”…



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