
Davenant Membership

Luther Level

Access to our Davenant Common Room discussion forum

Digital subscription to Ad Fontes

Access to our entire library of publications in digital form, including the Leiden Synopsis and ten volumes of Peter Martyr Vermigli library (currently nearly 50 books and counting, valued at $500+)


Cranmer Level

Everything in the Luther Level

Davenant Hall recorded video lectures access (2 lecture modules available now, with new modules every few months, each containing 20 hours of video: $140 value each)

30% off Davenant Hall audits (worth $75 off per class)

Additional exclusive video content


The Davenant Institute seeks to bridge the gap between church and academy, past and present, faith and life―and between the physical and digital domains. We believe that the tradition of Protestant wisdom can bring together learning, culture, and faith into one great conversation, that robust scholarship and deep piety can go hand in hand. If you’re new to our work and just want to get the most access for the best value, or a longtime follower who can’t get enough of the resources we produce, the new Davenant Membership program is for you! Join our growing community of seekers after wisdom who value rigorous intellectual engagement and irenic debate from within the heart of the magisterial Protestant tradition. Robust scholarship and unwavering faith can go hand in hand.

Join us to discover how ancient wisdom can continue to nurture faithful Christian engagement with contemporary culture, so that together we might grow into thoughtful, compassionate ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.

Additional information


Luther, Cranmer