
  • Will All Be Saved? David Bentley Hart on Universal Salvation, Reviewed by John Ehrett


    Will All Be Saved? David Bentley Hart on Universal Salvation, Reviewed by John Ehrett

    Few topics are more likely to cause a stir among Christians than universal salvation, or apokatastasis—the view that no person will ultimately experience eternal estrangement from God. Although the universalist view is difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile with the authoritative teaching of most Christian churches, it is not consistently considered heresy on the level…


  • A Theology of Proportion


    A Theology of Proportion

    A Review of God in Himself: Scripture, Metaphysics, and the Task of Christian Theology, by Steven J. Duby (InterVarsity Press Academic, 2019) by James Clark When considering how to engage in theology, two inclinations tend to be opposed. The first prioritizes “a speculative doctrine of God driven by natural theology or ‘metaphysics’” which inordinately colors…