
  • Common Places: Fred Sanders on the Triune God


    Common Places: Fred Sanders on the Triune God

    Systematic theologian Dr. Fred Sanders speaks of his discovery of theology, then discusses the Trinity. How is Trinitarian theology an act of praise? What do the missions of the Son and Spirit reveal about God? In classical Trinitarianism, what is a “person”? This and more!     Highlights 2:10 Fred Sanders’ advice to prospective graduate students 4:40 Sanders’ journey…


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    Common Places: Aaron Denlinger on Being a Christian Historian

    Dr. Aaron Denlinger joins the podcast and discusses some of the dangers surrounding a simplistic understanding of history and how his calling as a Christian historian compels him to be honest about heroes of history and the context of their lives.   Highlights   3:00-5:00 The dangers of a simplistic understanding of the Reformation. 5:00-10:00…


  • “Male and Female He Created Them: Genesis 1-3 and the Meaning of the Sexes” Lecture by Dr. Alastair Roberts


    “Male and Female He Created Them: Genesis 1-3 and the Meaning of the Sexes” Lecture by Dr. Alastair Roberts

    About the Lecture Dr. Alastair Roberts argues for an understanding of male and female vocation within creation that mirrored the structure of God’s own creative work of first “forming” and then “filling” his world. In the Q&A, he particularly draws attention to the changed social and economic conditions of modernity which have rendered formerly intelligible…


  • “Plainly Diabolical”: Bishop Davenant Weighs in on Clerical Celibacy


    “Plainly Diabolical”: Bishop Davenant Weighs in on Clerical Celibacy

    John Davenant, as Lady Margaret Professor of Theology at Cambridge, gave a lecture in the 1610’s defending the thesis that: “Thus, marrying in the Sacerdotal Order is lawful, and the decree for its prohibition in the Church of Rome is unlawful, anti-Christian, and plainly diabolical.” In this post, I want to highlight some of the…


  • Divine Incomprehensibility and Man’s Knowledge of God


    Divine Incomprehensibility and Man’s Knowledge of God

    Can we know anything about God? The deity’s traditional designation as “incomprehensible” is apt to make the unsuspecting nervous that those who talk in such a way mean we cannot. This would be problematic, of course, because Scripture clearly indicates that we do know God, and things about God. As Jesus says in John 17.3,…


  • Singing Pictures: Georgette de Montenay’s Emblems


    Singing Pictures: Georgette de Montenay’s Emblems

    Thanks to the work of E. J. Hutchinson, many of us are aware of Theodore Beza’s emblems. The enigmatic woodcuts and poetry of emblem books were also employed by less well-known Protestant writers, but no less vividly and even hauntingly, to picture life in light of God. Among these was Georgette de Montenay, a lady-in-waiting…


  • Latin Hymns Reformed


    Latin Hymns Reformed

    Everyone knows that the Reformation opened the floodgates of German songwriting, transforming the hymn into communal song. No less astonishing, but much less remembered, is the early Lutherans’ tireless work at writing an entirely new corpus of Latin hymns.