This Week in Church History: Death of Anne Bradstreet, September 16, 1672
On this day in 1672 the famous Puritan poet Anne Bradstreet died in North Andover, MA. Bradstreet along with her husband Simon had moved to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 and had first helped settle the new settlement of Boston before moving on to what was then called Newe Towne in the early 1630s. Newe Towne would eventually…
This Week in Church History: Founding of Harvard College (1636)
September 8, 1636 marks the founding of Harvard College in what was then called New Towne, but would come to be known as Cambridge, MA in later years. The college was originally founded as New College but was renamed two years after opening in honor of one of the school’s first benefactors, the Rev. John…
New Events Announced for New York and Chicago
The Davenant Trust is pleased to announce two upcoming events in major cities. September 23: How (Not) to Have a Foot in Both Kingdoms: Protestant Models for Christian Citizenship A conversation with Dr. W. Bradford Littlejohn (The Davenant Trust), Dr. Vincent Bacote (Wheaton College) and Dr. Matthew Tuininga (Calvin Theological Seminary) Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL…
This Week in Church History: August 31: Henry VIII Excommunicated
On this day in 1535, Pope Paul III made the break between the English state church and the Roman church conclusive when he excommunicated England’s King Henry VIII. The circumstances leading up to Henry’s break with the established church are well known, of course. The king wanted a son and was convinced he would not…
Davenant Fellowships Awarded
We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Davenant Fellowships. Simon Kennedy (above right) is pursuing a Ph.D research project at the University of Queensland under Prof. Peter Harrison, in which he is investigating how various early modern Reformed thinkers such as John Calvin, Richard Hooker, and Johannes Althusius understood the origins of…
Deadline for Davenant Fellowship Application Extended
If you were thinking of applying for our Davenant Fellowship, with $2,500 of funding toward a Ph.D or postdoctoral project in Protestant historical theology, we have good news! We have just extended the application deadline until July 29th. To apply, please email Brad Littlejohn with a document containing the following: A description of your current educational status, institution,…
Davenant Latin Institute Partners with Gordon Conwell
The Davenant Latin Institute is gearing up for another great year of enriching the church and academy by equipping students, teachers, pastors, and scholars to read the language of our Christian past. We are also excited to announce that we have just established a partnership with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to recognize all our courses for…
Andrew Fuller Conference: The Diversity of Dissent
We are pleased to announce that The Davenant Trust is co-sponsoring the upcoming Andrew Fuller Conference at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The theme of the conference is “The Diversity of Dissent: A Quatercentennial Appreciation of Richard Baxter, John Owen, and William Kiffen.” Speakers for the event include Davenant Trust Board of Advisors member Herman Selderhuis…
A Report on the 2016 Convivium Irenicum
Earlier this month the Davenant Trust held its fourth annual Convivium Irenicum at Davenant House in upstate South Carolina near Greenville. The theme of this year’s event was “Confessionalism and Diversity in the Reformed Tradition” and we were delighted to have Dr. Carl Trueman, who holds the Paul Woolley Chair of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary,…
Announcing the Davenant Fellowship
We are pleased to announce that, beginning with the 2016-17 academic year, the Davenant Trust will be awarding two $2,500 fellowships (or, in cases of one standout candidate, one $5,000 fellowship) to cover tuition and/or living expenses for doctoral or postdoctoral research in early modern Protestantism. We invite proposals through July 15, 2016, and will announce…