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    Why I’m Joining the Davenant Institute

    On June 1 of this year, The Davenant Institute hired Colin Chan Redemer, a Lecturer at St. Mary’s College of California, as our first Teaching Fellow. He will be responsible for helping establish a Christian study center under Davenant’s oversight at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA, as well as speaking and writing on…


  • Announcing New Board Members


    Announcing New Board Members

    We are pleased to announce the most recent changes to our Board of Directors, Susannah Black and Ian Clary are joining us, and as Chairman, Scott Pryor will be succeeding Steven Wedgeworth. Read about them below.


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    Learning About Justice in San Luis Obispo

    This is a report on Teaching Fellow Colin Chan Redemer’s debut event for the Davenant Institute in San Luis Obispo.  I worshiped God last week in San Louis Obispo with a small group of leaders from the University of the Pacific Intervarsity chapter. If you looked in on us it wouldn’t have looked like worship;…


  • The Davenant Trust is now The Davenant Institute


    The Davenant Trust is now The Davenant Institute

    The Davenant Trust has changed its name to The Davenant Institute.   On June 1, the Board of Directors authorized The Davenant Trust to change its name to the Davenant Institute beginning in the 2017-18 fiscal year. After a couple false starts due to gremlins in the interwebs, the change took effect today and will…


  • 2017 Davenant Fellowships Awarded


    2017 Davenant Fellowships Awarded

    We are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Davenant Fellowships.   As part of our ongoing commitment to help equip and support emerging scholars committed to renewing the life of the church through their research, we sponsor a scholarship competition each year, the Davenant Fellowship, with two $2,500 awards going to exemplary doctoral…


  • PUBLISHED: Reformation Theology


    PUBLISHED: Reformation Theology

    On October 31st, The Davenant Institute published Reformation Theology: A Reader of Primary Sources with Introductions. Edited by Bradford Littlejohn and Jonathan Roberts, this work reflects the clarion call of the Protestant Reformers, “Ad fontes!—Back to the sources!” for our own generation. Just as they recognized that renewal of the church in their era depended upon a…


  • Reformation 500: Celebrating Is Not Enough


    Reformation 500: Celebrating Is Not Enough

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The following letter from the President, Brad Littlejohn, was sent out to all Davenant subscribers on October 31, Reformation Day[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1509565922997{padding-bottom: 15px !important;background-color: #9e3232 !important;}”][vc_column_text] CELEBRATING IS NOT ENOUGH [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”20″][vc_column_text 0=””] There are few enough historical anniversaries that seem to merit even passing recognition in our forgetful age, so we can be grateful…


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    Announcing Acquisition of Peter Martyr Library

      We are pleased to announce that The Davenant Institute has just concluded a contract with Truman State University Press to take full possession of the Peter Martyr Library. Effective Jan. 1, 2018, TSUP will transfer all rights, electronic files, and hard copies of the ten volumes of the Peter Martyr Library (including its accompanying…


  • Now Published: Natural Law


    Now Published: Natural Law

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the third installment in our Davenant Guides series, Natural Law: A Brief Introduction and Biblical Defense. Davenant Guides seek to offer short and accessible introductions to key issues of current debate in theology and ethics, drawing on a magisterial Protestant perspective and defending its contemporary relevance today.   In…


  • Davenant Dispatch December 2017


    Davenant Dispatch December 2017

    Here’s what we’ve been up to. The Davenant Institute has been hard at work these past six months. Here’s the rundown of what we’ve done towards our goal of resourcing Christians with wisdom from the past, for the life of the church today.