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Since 2014, Davenant Press has been publishing books to renew and build up the contemporary church. Our publications include modernizations and translations of historic texts, essay collections, and our Convivium proceedings, as well as original works.

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Richard Hooker on Natural Theology and scripture


Evangelical Protestants enthusiastically affirm the “sufficiency of Scripture” for the Christian faith. But how does this doctrine square with the church’s long tradition of “natural theology” which teaches that a supririsng amount can be known about God from nature and reason alone?

In this short but incisive book, David Hainess demonstrates how the great English Reformer, Richard Hooker (1554-1600), answered this pivotal question. Usually, Hooker is associated with the questions of natural law and ethics rather than natural theology and the doctrine of God. However, Haines shows that a firm grasp of natural theology underpins Hooker’s teaching on natural law, and that the latter cannot be had without the former. In doing so, he provides not merely a survey of Hooker’s thought, but, via Hooker, a concise and lucid introduction to the whole topic of natural theology and a compelling defense against its biblicist critics.

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Davenant Guides seek to offer short and accessible introductions to key issues of current debate in theology and ethics, drawing on a magisterial Protestant perspective and defending its contemporary relevance today.


The Library of Early English Protestantism is an ongoing project that aims to make available in scholarly but accessible editions seminal writings from key but neglected 16th and 17th-century Church of England theologians.

Davenant Retrievals further our mission of recovering the riches of the Reformation by offering concise, collaborative expositions of a doctrinal topic key to the Protestant heritage and defending its relevance today.

Explore the collected works of the great but forgotten Italian Reformer, Peter Martyr Vermigli, ranging from his writings on philosophy and the Eucharist to our ongoing translation and republication of his

Loci Communes.

Convivium Proceedings gather together the best of the papers and addresses delivered by expert scholars at our annual National Convivium Irenicum at Davenant House in South Carolina.

The American Theology Series is an ongoing project from the Davenant Press with goals: to produce scholarly but accessible editions of primary sources from vital but often neglected American theologians from the 17th through the 20th centuries, and to publish fresh original expositions of their thought.

In partnership with the Liberty Fund, we offer significant yet forgotten works of political theology by figures like Samuel Pufendorf and Emer De Vattel. With Protestant political retrieval on the rise, now is the perfect time to rediscover these foundational texts.

Aside from our ongoing series, we regularly publish separate titles covering everything from literature to theology, philosophy,

and more.

New from Davenant Press

Life On the Silent Planet

Essays on Christian Living from C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy

edited By rhys laverty

Thulcandra is the world we do not know

Years before he wrote the Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis published another fantastical fiction series: the Ransom Trilogy. Yet these three novels – Out of the Silent PlanetPerelandra, and That Hideous Strength – have never enjoyed the same widespread popularity as Narnia or any of Lewis’s apologetical works, whether in mainstream culture or among Christians.

However, as the twenty-first century unfolds, readers are rediscovering the Ransom Trilogy as a vital and prophetic work for our cultural moment. Life on the Silent Planet is a groundreaking collection of essays, bringing together an accomplished group of scholars and writers to discover and apply the insights of these novels to Christian living, particularly focussing on the unique vices and challenges of modernity. Fraught topics such as gender, contraception, bureaucracy, and transhumanism, often overlooked or shied away from in contemporary Christian teaching, were diagnosed and anticipated by Lewis with startling clarity in the 1930s and 40s. This volume seeks to bring these insights, woven into the rich imaginative world of the Ransom Trilogy, to bear upon the realities of the Christian life, enabling Christians to think deeply, live faithfully, and tune themselves again to the music of what Lewis called “the Great Dance” of creation.


If you are new to the work of Davenant, then our best-selling titles are a great place to start finding out about our mission and distinctives.

Natural Theology
The Two Kingdoms
The Laws of Ecclesiastical
polity in modern english
Grace Worth
Fighting for
Reformation theology
religion & republic
available now from Davenant Press

On the Death of Christ


For whom did Christ die?

John Davenant’s Death of Christ remains the most significant and comprehensive example of English hypothetical universalism. Coming on the heels of the Synod of Dordt, Davenant’s Death of Christ is a scholastic treatise dealing with the question of the extent of Christ’s atonement-for whom did Christ die? Avoiding both the Scylla of Arminianism and Charybdis of certain strands of Reformed theology, Davenant employs Scripture, reason, and testimonies from ecclesiastical history in defense of the so-called Lombardian formula: Christ died for all people sufficiently; efficaciously for the elect alone.

John Davenant’s On the Death of Christ, a classic of English Reformed thought on the atonement, is now available in a new translation by Dr. Michael Lynch–the first in modern English. This book also features two shorter letters which Davenant wrote on this topic to both the French Reformed churches and to Herman Hildebrand.

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